Law and Order

The Federative Republic of Brazil is the largest country in South America, a former colony of Portugal.

A bitter custody battle over a little girl involves her mother leaving her ex, kidnapping her daughter to take her to Brazil, and marrying a doctor and native citizen to avoid extradition to the U.S. She tried to return with her husband to Brazil when he was poisoned non-fatally at a symposium in New York City, but she was detained on an outstanding arrest warrant. (L&O: "Brazil")

Brazil was mentioned, along with Peru, by Dr. Warner as a country where the Female Sand Fly lived. Americans going there risked being bitten by the fly and getting Leishmaniasis lesions. Though by 2007, the highest incidents of female sand fly bites were in the Middle East. (SVU: "Harm")

The popular term "Brazilian Wax" refers to Brazilian women completely shaving their pubic hairs. (SVU: "Smut")

A man named Javier served in the Brazilian Navy before moving to New York. (SVU: "Justice Denied")
