Law and Order

Gordon "G-Man" Thomas is the lead antagonist in "Flipped" (CI). He was responsible for the murder of rapper Fulla T over jealousy of the relationship between Fulla and Thomas's ex girlfriend Carmen.

Sometime before the episode Gordon shot a police officer. He claimed that the officer did not identity himself as an officer, therefore, killed him in self-defense. The jury, believing his story, found him not guilty. And he was free to roam the streets.

After people saw Bobby Boyd, a DJ involved with both Fulla T and G-Man, get approached by Logan and Wheeler, G-Man pushed Bobby off the edge of his apartment building.

He went to kidnap Carmen at her apartment. But Carmen was already gone. Also attempting to pick up Carmen was Logan and Wheeler. Logan went to the back, while Wheeler went inside the building through the front. Before Logan can catch up to Carmen, who ran up the fire escape ladder, Logan found himself at gun point by Gordon. But Wheeler arrested Gordon but he could shoot Logan.

Believing Gordon would have Carmen killed for telling the NYPD that he was the one who killed Fulla T, Det. Harry Williams, Carmen's godfather, personally disguised himself as a prisoner and murdered Gordon at Rikers.
