Law and Order

Katrina Lychkoff is the abused daughter of Joseph Lychkoff, refusing to be the tortured success her sister Elsa was, so Joseph could fund his gambling addiction. Katrina arrived at the police station, when Elsa was murdered, believing Joseph responsible.

She led detectives down to the basement, where she'd grueling learn high-ranking school studies, while being beaten with a ruler and forced on her knees on rice grains until she bled, where she kneeled. When Joseph returned, he was arrested on the spot. When pried in interrogation regarding Elsa's murder, he hospitalized himself by beating his head on a wall.

It was revealed Elsa's rival, Jennifer Banks, killed her in a psychotic rage due to both wanting her to drop out of school, since she was competition and the ADHD medication she was recklessly supplied on. (SVU: "Hothouse")
