Law and Order

Lisa Perez (alias Chantilly) is a sex worker at an underground sex club who reported an assault and attempted rape on her by Shawn Becker when the club was raided by the police. She demanded to file a report, and when SVU was called, she gave her real name and tried to show marks on her neck from when Becker tried to choke her to death.

The police believed her when one of her friends and colleagues, Randy Colligan (nicknamed "Godiva"), was found raped and hanged in a bathroom stall, confirming Lisa's account. She was taken to the station and proved to be a hasty and abrasive witness, feeling unappreciated, giving the sketch artist trouble, and demanding to report all the attending officers with their names and badge numbers. Regardless, she led the detectives to Sister Peg, who knew about Becker and eventually led the detectives on his trail, where he was shot dead after raping Maggie Peterson.
