Law and Order

Lucas Colter is a husband and father whose life is destroyed when his family is kidnapped for ransom.


Lucas constantly asked for loans from his father Melvin, a business tycoon, but he never paid them back Lucas then turned to Carl Pettijohn, a loan shark, but Lucas' debts became increasingly higher by the day. Pettijohn decided to hire Serbian enforcer Simon Matic to incentivize Lucas, but the plans went awry when Matic took criminal liberties.

Matic kidnapped Lucas's wife, Susan, and his two daughters, Maggie and Sarah. When bringing his mother-in-law Danita Swinton to the house, Lucas saw unfinished yogurt on the floor and kicked her out, knowing full well what was happening. Danita went to Major Case, but when they went to Lucas' door, he didn't care for their warnings and retreated into his house.

The team followed Lucas to a payphone, where Matic called and asked about the money while sitting over the family in his hideout with his accomplice. He said he needed more time and pleaded with Matic not to kill his family. Instead, Matic asked which of Lucas' daughters did the father like more, which confused him. Matic then, preceded by saying it would continue until the money was paid, started raping Maggie, while Lucas heard Susan's screams and cries while she heard Maggie suffering. When Lucas passed this onto Melvin, he was shaken enough he personally paid the ransom, getting the family released and reunited.

Lucas told the detectives Maggie's been bitter and silent since she was rescued, which the doctor's diagnosed as Stockholm syndrome since she was just reciprocating what Matic gaslit her with to try and make her hate her family. However, Maggie was needed to identify Matic since the violent enforcer covered his tracks in what could be brought to a court of law. When she was told Matic isn't the first person he raped, reminding her she got away, she cried and revealed an identifying tattoo on his lower back. This was plenty for Matic's imprisonment, and Lucas was left to put back together the shattered pieces of his family. (CI: "Homo Homini Lupis")
