Law and Order
SVU, Episode 5.22
Production number: E4426
First aired: 27 April 2004
  th of 502 produced in SVU  
th of 502 released in SVU
  th of 1271 released in all  
Huang Painless
Written By
Jonathan Greene

Directed By
Juan J. Campanella

The Special Victims Unit attempts to prosecute the moderator of a suicide-advocacy website.


Christina Nerritt is found handcuffed to her bed with a plastic bag over her head. She first claims to have been attacked, but then it is discovered that Christina had been suicidal for some time. After Christina uses insulin to successfully kill herself, the detectives discover that she was on a website that offers support and ideas on how to commit suicide. They soon find the owner of the website, Amy Solwey who is soon the suspect in Christina's death. Amy says that she made the website as a sort of therapy to herself because she is suffering from Alport's Syndrome. Detective Munch becomes personally involved in the case when it is discovered that Amy refuses a kidney transplant that could save her life. Munch is originally angry with her for her actions but decides to talk to her when he learns about her refusal. Amy is deaf but can read lips and can talk so they are able to have a conversation. Munch reveals that after he told his father he hated him as a kid his father committed suicide and he always blamed himself for it. He realizes that Amy feels bad for her role in Christina's death and wants to die as a result, but he convinces her to live and for the two of them to work out their guilt together.


Main cast

Recurring cast

Guest cast



Christina bought him breakfast. He rapes her for lunch.

–Elliot Stabler

Background information and notes

  • This episode probably takes its name for the song Suicide is Painless, which became famous as the theme from the popular sitcom M*A*S*H.
  • The website in this episode is probably inspired by the newsgroup, which often uses the phrase "catching the bus."

Episode scene cards

1 2 3 4

Hotel Kennedy Restaurant
1270 Park Avenue
Monday, March 1

Bellevue Hospital
Christina Nerrit's Room
Monday, March 1

New Horizons
Fertility Clinic Lab
78 Madison Avenue
Thursday, March 4

Part 35
Friday, March 5

5 6 7 8

Bellevue Hospital
Prison Ward
Friday, March 5

Trial Part 38
Monday, April 19

Apartment of
Christina Nerrit
308 East 76th Street
Tuesday, April 20

Chambers of
Judge Walter Bradley
Wednesday, April 21

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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Season 5
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